Predict values based on a bestfit object.

# S3 method for bestfit
predict(object, fit = 1, newdata = object$newdata,
  interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"), level = 0.8, ...)



object of class bestfit


The number of the chosen model from the combinations matrix (defaults for the best R2 model)


An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. Defaults for the eventually existent "aval" data in data frame used to build the bestfit model. If omitted, the fitted values are used.


Type of interval calculation. Can be abbreviated. Defaults to confidence interval


Tolerance/confidence level. Defaults for the standardized value in NBR-14.653-2 (80%)

further arguments passed to predict.lm.


best_fit <- bestfit(valor ~ ., data = centro_2015@data) p <- predict(best_fit, interval = "confidence") p
#> Predictions: #> fit lwr upr AMP G.P. C.A.I. C.A.S. L.I. L.S. #> 1 650202.4 717559.8 591902.6 19.33 III 552672.1 747732.8 591902.6 717559.8 #> 2 963580.5 1021476.7 910470.5 11.52 III 819043.4 1108117.6 910470.5 1021476.7 #> 3 1035927.9 1105696.8 972560.0 12.85 III 880538.7 1191317.0 972560.0 1105696.8
predict(best_fit, fit = 2, interval = "confidence")
#> Predictions: #> fit lwr upr AMP G.P. C.A.I. C.A.S. L.I. L.S. #> 1 621254.7 684508.8 566379.8 19.01 III 528066.5 714442.9 566379.8 684508.8 #> 2 950162.3 1006655.3 898294.7 11.40 III 807637.9 1092686.6 898294.7 1006655.3 #> 3 1016841.4 1085231.4 954718.2 12.84 III 864315.2 1169367.6 954718.2 1085231.4