comes with built-in SpatialPointsDataFrames
such as centro_2015
, centro_13_15
, itacorubi_2015
, trivelloni_2005
and other dataframes
like loteamento
, renda
, canasvieiras_97
, trindade_ap
, terrenos_praia
, trindade
and jungles
More information on the available datasets can be find using the help
command in R
Prices of 50 Florianopolis’ downtown apartaments
A SpatialPointsDataFrame containing a sample of 50 apartaments with prices and other attributes in Florianopolis’ downtown
A tibble with 53 rows (50 samples and 3 apartments to be appraised) and 7 variables:
HOCHHEIM, Norberto. Engenharia de avaliacoes imobiliarias: Modulo Basico. Florianopolis: IBAPE/SC, 2015, p.21-22
Real Estate Appraisals in Brazil are standardized in NBR 14.653-2. The standard recommended procedure is to build a multiple linear regression analysis. Transformation of the parameters to obtain a better fit is usual, although appraisers are not familiar with box-cox or other methods to find best transformations.
The main purpose of appraiseR
is to help engineers to find transformations of the parameters in the model in order to obtain the best fit that satisfies the recomendations stablished in NBR 14.653-2.
Outlier analysis by several criteria can be achieved trough the outlier_analysis
outlier_analysis(x = trindade, criterion = "30_percent")
## removing values
## [1] 427 458 510 511 528 545 564 574 574 590 601 602 602 609 620
outlier_analysis(x = trindade, criterion = "2_sd")
## Step 1: removing values 427
## Step 2: removing values 458
## [1] 510 511 528 545 564 574 574 590 601 602 602 609 620
outlier_analysis(x = trindade, criterion = "chauvenet")
## Step 1: removing values 427
## Step 2: removing values 458
## [1] 510 511 528 545 564 574 574 590 601 602 602 609 620
package includes both functions to help the appraiser to find best fits through the transformation of the parameters in the model (bestfit()) and functions to help the appraiser to verifie that the found fit satisfies the criteria of the brazilian standard NBR 14.653-2.
The first thing to be done is try to find the best model with bestfit function, as follows:
data <-
best_fit <- bestfit(valor~., data)
automatically fits a series of transformations in the parameteres and combine them in several models. These models are later ordered by the adjusted R2 criteria. By default, bestfit
uses three transformations functions, equivalent to the use of the box-cox method with \(-0.5 \leq \lambda \leq +0.5\). This can be changed with the transf
If printed, a bestfit object shows a table of the best 10 models found according to the criteria mentioned above:
## Call:
## bestfit.formula(formula = valor ~ ., data = data)
## Best 10 fits:
## id valor area_total quartos suites garagens dist_b_mar adj_R2
## 443 1 rsqrt sqrt rsqrt identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9480455
## 395 2 rsqrt identity rsqrt identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9477222
## 955 3 rsqrt sqrt rsqrt sqrt sqrt rsqrt 0.9474578
## 907 4 rsqrt identity rsqrt sqrt sqrt rsqrt 0.9472744
## 439 5 rsqrt sqrt log identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9471142
## 951 6 rsqrt sqrt log sqrt sqrt rsqrt 0.9468425
## 391 7 rsqrt identity log identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9466028
## 903 8 rsqrt identity log sqrt sqrt rsqrt 0.9465023
## 411 9 rsqrt log rsqrt identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9460101
## 407 10 rsqrt log log identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9455580
## ...
The number of printed lines may be changed in the print method, if desired:
print(best_fit, n = 20)
The summary method is also available for bestfit objects. The user may find helpful not to use the first model in the table, so in the summary method is possible to choose the desired fit to be used with the fit argument, as follows:
s <- summary(best_fit, fit = 1)
## Call:
## bestfit.formula(formula = valor ~ ., data = data)
## Best (Chosen) Transformations:
## id valor area_total quartos suites garagens dist_b_mar adj_R2
## 443 1 rsqrt sqrt rsqrt identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9480455
## Best (Chosen) fit LM summary:
## Call:
## lm(formula = "rsqrt(valor) ~ sqrt(area_total) + rsqrt(quartos) + identity(suites) + sqrt(garagens) + rsqrt(dist_b_mar) + (padrao)",
## data = data, subset = NULL)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.144e-04 -5.344e-05 8.870e-07 4.272e-05 1.729e-04
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 1.780e-03 1.301e-04 13.681 < 2e-16 ***
## sqrt(area_total) -2.279e-05 5.295e-06 -4.304 9.81e-05 ***
## rsqrt(quartos) 6.561e-04 1.269e-04 5.169 6.14e-06 ***
## identity(suites) -4.240e-05 2.060e-05 -2.058 0.0459 *
## sqrt(garagens) -2.711e-04 4.426e-05 -6.125 2.62e-07 ***
## rsqrt(dist_b_mar) -2.628e-03 5.099e-04 -5.154 6.45e-06 ***
## padraomedio -2.214e-04 4.586e-05 -4.828 1.85e-05 ***
## padraoalto -2.576e-04 4.605e-05 -5.595 1.52e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 8.428e-05 on 42 degrees of freedom
## (3 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.9555, Adjusted R-squared: 0.948
## F-statistic: 128.7 on 7 and 42 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
## NBR-14.653-2 check:
## Minimum number of market data:
## [1] "n = 53 >= 42 --> Grau III"
## Max significance level allowed for each predictor:
## [1] "t máximo = 4.59 % < 10% --> Grau III"
## Max significance level allowed for F-test:
## [1] "p-valor F = 2.79e-24 % < 1% --> Grau III"
One can note that the summary method performs a linear model with the chosen fit to give the user the possibility to verifie the main diagnostics data of the model.
You can easily update your calls to bestfit
. For this, a update method is made available specific for bestfit objects.
Despite the effort made to find the best transformations there is a possibility that some outliers still be present in the model. The user may search for them with very usual R functions, as outlierTest
available in the car
## No Studentized residuals with Bonferonni p < 0.05
## Largest |rstudent|:
## rstudent unadjusted p-value Bonferonni p
## 31 -2.896612 0.0060262 0.30131
With the results of the outlier test, one can update the bestfit
call as follows:
best_fit <- update(best_fit, subset = -31)
## Call:
## bestfit.formula(formula = valor ~ ., data = data, subset = -31)
## Best (Chosen) Transformations:
## id valor area_total quartos suites garagens dist_b_mar adj_R2
## 443 1 rsqrt sqrt rsqrt identity sqrt rsqrt 0.9566219
## Best (Chosen) fit LM summary:
## Call:
## lm(formula = "rsqrt(valor) ~ sqrt(area_total) + rsqrt(quartos) + identity(suites) + sqrt(garagens) + rsqrt(dist_b_mar) + (padrao)",
## data = data, subset = -31)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.335e-04 -6.071e-05 -3.318e-06 4.302e-05 1.744e-04
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 1.825e-03 1.210e-04 15.085 < 2e-16 ***
## sqrt(area_total) -2.441e-05 4.915e-06 -4.966 1.25e-05 ***
## rsqrt(quartos) 6.301e-04 1.174e-04 5.368 3.41e-06 ***
## identity(suites) -3.761e-05 1.907e-05 -1.972 0.0553 .
## sqrt(garagens) -2.787e-04 4.090e-05 -6.814 3.02e-08 ***
## rsqrt(dist_b_mar) -2.774e-03 4.729e-04 -5.865 6.72e-07 ***
## padraomedio -2.038e-04 4.273e-05 -4.770 2.34e-05 ***
## padraoalto -2.529e-04 4.250e-05 -5.951 5.09e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 7.772e-05 on 41 degrees of freedom
## (3 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared: 0.9629, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9566
## F-statistic: 152.2 on 7 and 41 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
## NBR-14.653-2 check:
## Minimum number of market data:
## [1] "n = 53 >= 42 --> Grau III"
## Max significance level allowed for each predictor:
## [1] "t máximo = 5.53 % < 10% --> Grau III"
## Max significance level allowed for F-test:
## [1] "p-valor F = 2.94e-25 % < 1% --> Grau III"
One can note that without the outlier, the model now perfectly satisfies the main requirements of NBR 14.653-2.
There are two plot functions in appraiseR
: plotdf
and plotmod
. Before any fitting model activity, plotdf
may be used to investigate outliers with the boxplot of the parameters of the model.
plotdf(valor~., data)
plotdf output.
Then, once the models are fitted, plotmod
plots regressors against the response variable, with confidence or prediction intervals:
pl <- plotmod(best_fit, interval = "confidence", level = 0.80)
plotmod output.
With these plots one verifies if the variables in the model works as predicted by the user.
By default, plotmod
chooses the median values of the predictors other than the one plotted. The local
argument in plotmod
function allows the user to specify the variables plots against the regressor which passes through that local point.
plotmod(best_fit, interval = "confidence", level = 0.80,
local = list(area_total = 205, quartos = 3, suites = 1, garagens = 2,
dist_b_mar = 250, padrao = "medio"))
plotmod output with local argument specified
A third visualization tool in appraiseR is the gen_map
gen_map output.
method is also available for bestfit
objects. predict
automatically searchs for newdata in the data frame of the model. predict
does this searching for NA
values in the response variable. If there are such data, then predict
will automatically uses this values as the newdata option. Else, newdata must be explicitly provided to predict.bestfit
, the same way it is done with predict.lm
p <- predict(best_fit, interval = "confidence", level = 0.80)
## Predictions:
## fit lwr upr AMP G.P. C.A.I. C.A.S. L.I.
## 51 658637.5 721787.1 603426.9 17.97 III 559841.9 757433.2 603426.9
## 52 945582.0 997993.7 897193.2 10.66 III 803744.7 1087419.3 897193.2
## 53 1042721.7 1107561.0 983413.8 11.91 III 886313.4 1199129.9 983413.8
## L.S.
## 51 721787.1
## 52 997993.7
## 53 1107561.0