A SpatialPointsDataFrame containing two samples in different dates with prices and other attributes in Florianopolis' downtown



A tibble with 90 rows and 11 variables:

  • valor: price, in brazilian Reais

  • area_total: Total Area, in squared meters

  • quartos: Rooms

  • suites: Ensuites

  • garagens: Garages

  • dist_b_mar: Distance to the beach

  • padrao: Building Standard - baixo, medio, alto (i.e. low, normal, high)

  • novo: boolean for brand new apartments - sim, nao (TRUE, FALSE)

  • data_2015: boolean to specify if data is from 2015 - sim, nao (TRUE, FALSE)


IBAPE/SC. Curso de Engenharia de Avaliacoes Imobiliarias: modulo basico. Florianopolis, maio/2015